How do we go about living in the Kingdom of God, on a daily basis?
What is practical?
What is sustainable?
And how do we make it last?
As Eugene Peterson, author of the Message paraphrase of the Scriptures, reminded us, prayer is about being and becoming before it is about getting and doing. Prayer is the greatest work of the Kingdom of God. It is the place where, over time, God choreographs our deepest transformation with his deepest capacity and delight to restore all things as they were meant to be.
Friends, come along into this video teaching as we rediscover prayer as a daily partnership with God in his ongoing restoration of the world he created—and his restoration of you
P.S. This is the second video teaching I offered on prayer and consecration. The first was on consecrating your year, and I encourage you to go back and watch it if you missed it.
Go deeper into the Daybreak Prayer here.